Monday, 25 November 2013

The Gift of Gratitude

Everything that happens in your life is your own creation. How beautiful and powerful this feeling is. Isn't it!
This is the gift from universe to you. The power of creation.

One of the major reason of so much unhappiness all around us is being ungrateful to this beautiful gift.

Yes, we forget to be grateful. We forget to express our gratitude to universe for our own existence.
Gratitude is a virtue that can contribute immeasurably to our happiness. It is an essential aspect of love.

(Picture is taken by author in Ladakh on the way to Leh from Lamayuru.)

As often as some sweet grace comes to you. inwardly say, "Thank you, Universe."

This simple practice will bring you miracles in life.

Gradually, you will see that your focus on good things and gratitude towards them are magnifying the good in your life.

A deep sense of gratitude towards the bad incidents (as we label them) also elevates your spirit.

And remember what you give, that comes back to you.

We can be grateful to every little thing in our life; from our morning tea to our bed sheet in night. There are plenty to be grateful too.

"My father told me a wonderful story about a father who gave his young daughter a simple locket and told her that it contains a very valuable diamond sealed inside the locket, so if at any time she was ever in need, she could crack open the locket, sell the diamond and make it through difficulties.
The daughter grew into a woman and struggled alone terrible times of poverty, but just the mere thought of the diamond resting safely inside the locket she wore around her neck gave her enough courage to pull her through.
Many years later, she had finally become a success in all areas of her life and no longer had to struggle for survival. Her curiosity had grown to the point that she had to know how much the diamond was actually worth.
The woman took her precious locket to the finest jeweler in the village to have the diamond appraised. The jeweler eyed the plain, tarnished locket with a bit of disdain, raised a mallet, and with one swift blow smashed the little locket into many pieces, releasing a small, shiny piece.
The jeweler held it up to the light and said, “Why, this is not a diamond, my lady, but a worthless piece of ordinary glass!”
Stunned by the news, the woman laughed and cried and then laughed some more.
“No, kind sir, that is the most valuable diamond in the world!” She replied, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Her father had given her a priceless gem…the gift of hope and the belief that she would always be right, and for this she would always be grateful.”

Life is a gift and our job is to learn to receive it gratefully.

Take a moment of time daily, and be grateful for all that you are and for all that you are not. Be grateful for all that you have and for all that you do not have.

When we live with grateful hearts, fear cannot enter, guilt is dissolved, and there is only peace, love, forgiveness and understanding.

To me, that is life!


(Ref- Loiuse L. Hay, John Randolph, Michele Gold and Almighty)

Thursday, 8 August 2013

A Memoir of Meditations : Orissa in a deep dip

Program- Self Empowerment Program : An Initiative by Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd.

Dates= 4th and 5th August, 2013

Place- Sundergarh, Orissa

Facilitator- Romshri Ashesh

Co-ordinator- Rajesh Modi and Kiran Lakra

Participants- 450

Interaction Points- 
  • Who are we? What are we doing here on planet and why?
  • What we are comprised of ? How we make decisions in life and what is the real purpose of being here in this world.
  • What exactly is mind? How does it work?
  • How are habits and belief systems made and how they affect our lives mentally, physically socially and economically.
  • What is the relationship of mind, body and soul?
  • How we create diseases and invite accidents in life in ignorance and how to heal that part with the power of subconscious mind.
  • Understand the power of subconscious mind to manifest money, success, harmony and abundance in life.


Participants came up with interesting and insightful experiences and thoughts. Most of the participants belong to rural areas with minimal education and struggling backgrounds.

Stories of their struggle, rites for bread and butter, beginning of their business with Multilevel Marketing Company Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd, how this company got them introduced to meditations like Vipassana, movie like "The Secret" and books like "You can heal your Life" and how all these things gradually started bringing a positive and healing impact on their lives.
People were mirthful and exalted their gratitude towards the leading men of their company Mr. Chetan Handa and Mr. Sanjeev Chibber who not only helped them to empower financially through this business but also motivated them to rise up from the level of making a living to empowering their lives with knowledge about life and about their "real selves".

A participant spoke very well about the human existence on planet earth in his dialect which another person pleasingly translated for me. 

The Guy said- "We are comprised of three elements Body, Mind and Soul and We have an unknown power which can keep all of them on track which is called Viveka (Righteousness)."

What is Mind?

The interesting answers I received from the participants were:

 "Mind is a playful horse who always runs."

" Mind is an unchained monkey."

"Mind is an invisible power within us."

"Mind does not exist. It is a myth."

After a detailed discussion on "What they think mind is" which was full of wit, humor and deep insights, participants asked me to elaborate it in a logical manner, which I did through power point presentation and I drew a diagram to explain  "what is Mind."

The moment I drew the "map of mind" on white board, an ammunition of questions got started firing from the other side of stage.

"How would we know that mind is energy. We do not even know what is energy?"

"From where have you studied all this madam?"

"Then what is brain?"

"Can we touch it?"

"What is the difference between dil (heart) and mann (mind)?"

"How would I precisely know

What is Energy?

To satisfy all the questions in a little vivid way, I asked them to stand up and made them do an exercise with closed eyes.

The hall was beaming with laughter, whispers and surprise of all 450 participants. 

Man, women and teenagers, everyone was wondering what strange thing I am asking them to do.

I asked them to spread their hands outward and start closing and opening their palms. First slow and then gradually fast and faster.

They followed my commands.

And then suddenly, I asked them to STOP.

And to remain in the same position for a while with closed eyes.

Their arms were aching and trembling.

Then I asked them to open their palms slowly and keep them facing each other. Slowly bringing them closer and far..Feeling the energy in between of both the palms.

I could see the heaviness in their arms which was hard for them to handle but following me they were doing so.

I asked them to feel whatever they can feel.

Some of them said -"They are feeling a huge magnet in between of the palms."

Some - "Huge Pull."

Some - "Pain and Aches"

Some- "Heaviness out of control."

Some felt- "Nothing."

I asked them to send a thought to their palms to release all the heavy energy which is Not needed to the universe.

I saw some of them actually sending the energy with the actions of their hands.

The arms started feeling lighter with this thought and they returned to the normal state and sat comfortably.

"So, whatever you felt was ENERGY and whatever is there in the universe is just energy. Energy of your hand movements made ur hands heavy and energy of a light thought made your hands lighter. So Now you understand what is energy?"

They replied back caressing their arms with smile- "YES!"

I noticed. Within minutes, the energy of hall was shifted. Fears and doubts were subsided, and the minds were calm and fresh now.

We spoke about Conscious and Subconscious mind.

Forgiveness Meditation - Calm your mind to listen to your soul

We began the meditation by saying- Breathing in, "I am willing to change" and Breathing out, "I surrender my pains." 

I tell you - If you want to see beauty see a common man in meditation with his closed eyes. Nothing is more beautiful to witness an inward journey!

Those 15 minutes. Some instructions, some silence, some tears, some sobs, some jerks, some smiles and whole hall was witnessing 450 people deep in themselves.

A participant told, " Once in a flash of fury I slapped myself repeatedly in front of my parents. I walked out in middle of some tiff in anger and never went back. Today I asked forgiveness..," 
He told sobbing, "My father is no more now. But today I saw him in meditation. We were too poor and he could never feed us well. He told me Son I love you, do not say sorry, I understand you. He blessed me and both of us kept crying hugging each other until our hearts became lighter. I am feeling blessed and relieved after a long time!"

A bright young face elated in peace.

Many other shared their experiences too. Wounds were being healed more as they stood up and shared their most personal experiences of life.
We went through many other  Emotional and Spiritual empowerment Techniques on next day i.e.

Emotional Empowerment Techniques

Cleansing Techniques

Detoxification Techniques

Self-Healing Techniques 

Heal Body Through Thoughts

Participants learnt and then there were some practice rounds. 

Hesitations dropped and empowerment was in progress.

Healing makes you brighter, knowledge makes you stronger and wisdom makes you empowered.

Love & Light
Romshri Ashesh

Monday, 8 July 2013

Forgiveness is Self-Healing. क्षमा आत्म चिकित्सा है.

सभी प्रमुख धार्मिक परम्पराएं मूल रूप से एक ही संदेश देती हैं – प्रेम , दया,और  क्षमा , महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि ये  हमारे दैनिक जीवन का हिस्सा होनी चाहियें.

जब कभी संभव हो दयालु बने रहिये.यह हमेशा संभव है.

हम बाहरी दुनिया में कभी शांति नहीं पा सकते हैं, जब तक की हम अन्दर से शांत ना हों.

मैंने "भूल जाने की अवधारणा" में कभी भी विश्वास नहीं किया है. मैंने वास्तव में "स्वीकार करने की अवधारणा" में विश्वास किया है. 

माफी का मतलब यह नहीं है "तुमने मेरे साथ जो किया ठीक है."

 इसका मतलब यह है "मैं पिछली यादों को मेरे वर्तमान और भविष्य की खुशियों को बर्बाद करने की अनुमति नहीं दे रहा हूँ".

ऐसा करने से आपका अतीत मिट नहीं जाएगापरन्तु आपका असंतोष और दर्द धीरे धीरे कम हो जाएगा.
आप अपने मन में घावों के साथ आगे नहीं बढ़ सकते.

क्षमा आत्म चिकित्सा है. क्षमा  एक  ऐसा  उपहार  है  जो  हम  स्वयं  को  देते  हैं .

माफ़  करने  का  मतलब  किसी  कैदी  को  आज़ाद  करना  है  और  ये  जानना  है  कि  आप  ही  वो  कैदी  थे .
ऐसा करने से आप  उस घटना से सीखते हैं और अपने जीवन को एक नई दिशा देते हैं.

कभी  भी  अपने  पास  रखे  तीन  संसाधनों  को  मत  भूलिए : प्रेम , प्रार्थना , और  क्षमा .


Thursday, 30 May 2013

Self Empowerment Program : Mind, Body and Soul

What is Self Empowerment Program?

This life transforming program has been specially designed for the distributors associated with Glaze trading India Pvt. Ltd. In this two days workshop our focus is on the understanding of human mind, body and soul, the hidden power of subconscious mind, universal energy, meditation, law of attraction and many tools for self empowerment of a distributor. The course enables you not only learn special techniques and use them on yourself but also gives you a lot of understanding about how the mind works. Its a unique & very powerful self-development and self-empowerment workshop.


The Course is designed to explain the working of mind, the interplay of the conscious and subconscious mind, the way humans receive information, make decisions, invite disease, accidents and vicious patterns in life in ignorance. The objective of this course is to eradicate the ignorance by deriving much knowledge about ourselves and our powers which a distributor can use in personal and professional life powerfully and so that they can become well equipped, confident and successful distributors who are able to help & guide people from different walks of life.

This program helps you to-

  •  Understand how you make decisions in life and what is the real purpose of being here in this world.

  •  Understand what exactly is mind? How does it work?

  •  How are habits and belief systems made and how they affect our  lives mentally, physically socially and economically.

  •  What is the relationship of mind, body and soul?

  • How we create diseases and invite accidents in life in ignorance and how to heal that part with the power of subconscious mind.

  • Understand the power of subconscious mind to manifest money, success, harmony and abundance in life.


  • How to recharge your energies to walk strongly on the path of life.

  • Understanding behaviors of  different types of people and know how to deal in a balanced way.

  •  Forgiveness: benefits and technique.

  • Understanding what is meditation and its benefits for a joyful and successful life through experience.

  • - Learn many life transforming tools and techniques to empower yourself and others.

Distributors and individuals associated with Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd are getting benefited out of these training programs and making revolutionary positive changes on their lives and their loved ones. 

A revolutionary initiative by Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd

Self Empowerment Revolution : An Initiative by reputed multi-level marketing company.

This training program is an extra-ordinary initiative by Glaze Trading India Pvt Ltd for its distributors across the globe.

This program helps an individual at all levels and fields of life beautifully and powerfully. A self-less devoted effort for every person associated with Glaze Trading India Pvt. Ltd to help them discovering their true potential and powers hidden there in their body, mind and soul.

This program is being imparted through workshops in different cities all over India by our Spiritual Trainer and practicing Clinical Hypnotherapist Romshri Ashesh.

The program takes you to a complete journey of Self-Empowerment with a goal to help you achieve and live and Empowered Existence- Starting Now!